
The Truth Behind...
New Orleans...The City of Abject Sin
Inspirations of the Insane
My Nekuomanteia
collection one
collection two
collection three
A Quarter...
Coffin For Mary
The Art of Will
Find me
The Way out
The Book of The Dead


Smash/Gash is a small narrative about Cynthia's past  as a herion addict and cutter.


A small hole was stabbed. The feeling strikes, in such desperation she searches …..

The smash of the glass as it hits the hard ground. Razor sharp shards litter the floor. She chooses carefully to find one with nice jagged points. She makes a deep crimson gash upon her pallor skin. The drastic contrast brings that feeling of familiar comfort that she longs for. She cuts deeper and deeper, still no real feeling only that old numb dullness she is so used to. The only pleasure she finds theses days is abstract. She craves the pain that she once felt, something she thought would never fade.

A small pool of blood starts to form, growing larger with every red drop that falls from her worn and scared body. She begins to stare at the puddle as if she were skrying the night, a nocturnal portal, seemingly intoxicated by her morbid fascination that she can only find in her own warm blood.

Then realization comes on her like a curse. She becomes overwhelmed in panic. Her shallow breathe is stolen from her lips as the dark pool stills grows. She suddenly falls in to it as if she were being dragged by some malevolent entity. She falls, falls in to the pool to her waist, and then slowly dissipates. Asphyxiated by her blood. Her screams of terror go unheard.

A young girl awakes from a frightening dream of sanguine and asphyxiation. She then sits up in her bed and looks at the clock it was 3:36 in the morning, She find her way to her closet were its kept. Looking toward the back she pulls out a small metal box containing small shards of glass and a syringe …

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Copyright © 2006 Anna Lee Waller. All Rights Reserved.